blog, blog, blah: my mantra

Welcome to the inner workings of a footwear designer gone innovation marketing strategist, who's seen everything from mid-meeting coffee tossing, to Silicon Valley style pivoting. Indulge yourself in the worlds of fashion and tech, or peruse through pretty pictures that marry the two. I blog about shoes, trends, wearable tech, techie things I like, and occasionally the random post. 


A few things I'm loving right now: 

What tech do shoppers really value? WWD weighs in.

The future of conversational commerce. Via Capgemini

Holographic AI virtual assistant - not just buzzword soup. Watch Gatebox's assistant in action.

And now, a brilliant question: When is furniture vintage? Ceraudo answers.

Let's Talk Tech 

Let's Fawn Over Fashunnn

Let's Weigh In On Wearables

Aaand Everything Else...